St. Patrick's Day crossword8c6opkoqi.gif

Crossword (made by Carmen Luisa)

Completa el crucigrama, haciendo clic en un número para ver las pistas de ese número. Escribe la palabra en el recuadro, haz clic en "Enter" y te saldrá en el crucigrama. Al final haz clic en "Check" para comprobar tus respuestas. Si no sabes la respuesta, para recibir ayuda haz clic en "Hint" y verás una letra.
 2          3     4         
       6            7    
8              9         


1. This animal probably never lived in Ireland, but the legend says that St. Patrick drove them out of the country.
5. When he became a priest, he went to this country to spread the Gospel.
8. Irish fairy.
9. The first Saint Patrick's Day parade was in this city.
10. A chemical element that is a valuable yellow metal.


1. A plant with three round green leaves.
2. Wear this colour on March 17 or get pinched.
3. St. Patrick used a three-leaf clover to teach about the Holy...
4. An arch of spectral colours.
6. St. Patrick's Day is in this month.
7. The nationality of the people of Ireland.