
Completa el crucigrama, haciendo clic en un número para ver las pistas de ese número. Escribe la palabra en el recuadro, haz clic en "Enter" y te saldrá en el crucigrama. Al final haz clic en "Check" para comprobar tus respuestas. Si no sabes la respuesta, para recibir ayuda haz clic en "Hint" y verás una letra.

     5      6             


3. Everyone in my family.
6. Divorced female partner.
7. My parents' son is my ...
9. She is married to my father but is not my real mother.
10. My father's brother is my...
11. My mother and my father are my...
12. My mother's sister is my...
13. My sister's son is my...


1. My mother's daughter, but not my father's daughter.
2. I call him "dad". He is my...
4. My brother's daughter.
5. My wife's mum is my...
8. My aunt's daughter/son.