Common objects

(made by Manoli Fernández - Básico 1-D)

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1. A flat, usually round, piece of metal used as money.
3. A thing that you hold above your head to keep yourself dry when it is raining.
4. A coloured substance that women put on their lips.
6. A piece of equipment with two transparent parts that you wear in front of your eyes to help you see better.
9. A book in which you write each day about your personal thoughts and experiences.
10. A book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order with their meanings explained or written in another language.
11. A small container for money, usually used by a woman.
12. A picture produced with a camera.


1. An object that you use to tidy your hair.
2. Folded sheets of paper which are printed with the news and sold every day or every week.
5. A long, thin wooden object with a black or coloured point that you write or draw with.
7. A small, official piece of paper that you buy and stick into a letter or parcel before you post it.
8. A small clock on a strap that you fasten round your wrist.